Short-Term Opportunities vs. Long-Term Strategy: A Product Decision Framework
One of the most difficult things in product is balancing long-term strategy and short term speed. After years of trial and error, I've developed a mental model to help product leaders make informed decisions.
Product Strategy: Why You Don’t Always Need One
It is a better idea to set directions based on product and market maturity
Driving product change - how to choose evolution or revolution?
How do you drive change in product organization? Do you tend to approach it as an evolution or a revolution? These are my pros and cons, I would love to hear yours.
Defining a customer-focused product strategy - PM Nights Lviv
I talked about product strategy with the amazing product community in Lviv.
Defining a customer-focused product strategy - PMF Europe 2021
Watch me talk about the importance of product strategy and give some concrete tips for a remote roll-out.
Product strategy: Unlearning how to communicate in a remote setting
I believe that when working on a product strategy one key element for its success is communication. But how do you do it when a global pandemic has changed the rules of the game? I summarized my unlearning approach in this post.
Product strategy: What to think about when thinking about product strategy
Product strategy should give you directions and the ability to zoom out. In the same way that you are able to get out of the forest by following the path, even if the only thing you see in front of your nose is a gigantic tree.
How we transformed Hemnet product development to make it the engine of our growth
Q4 2020 marks one year since we started to work with a new product development process at Hemnet. I took some time to reflect on what I believe are some of the ingredients of our success.