How to succeed in product management - a conversation with Magic Feedback

I often speak with people eager to "break into product management." While I was fortunate to stumble into the field "before it was cool," I believe success in product comes only if you're in it for the right reasons.

Product is not about power. 

Product is not about ego. 

Product is not about waiting for something you think you "deserve."

Product is about collaboration, creating and seizing opportunities, solving problems, and—most importantly—having empathy for your customers, colleagues, and everyone else who aspires to be in your shoes.

In a recent conversation with Magic Feedback, I shared my advice for aspiring product leaders. Here are the key takeaways:

  • Approach your career like product discovery: Start small, find what you're good at, and leverage it for a big impact. Do not assume you know what you want, or what you are good at, from the start.

  • Be proactive: Success is about solving problems within your zone of influence. Don’t wait—make things happen.

  • Advocate for what you believe in: For me, it's collaboration and representation. As a woman and an immigrant, I strive to be a role model and help other women enter tech.

  • Always start with the customer: It doesn’t matter what you think is right—if your product isn’t validated by customers, it won’t succeed.

You can read the full article 👉🏻 here


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