Productized: a conversation about values and decision-making

The really hard skills in product are the soft skills!

I will never tire of advocating for spending more time sharpening empathy, self-compassion, and self-knowledge to become a better product person. I'm super excited to talk about values as the product skill you didn’t know you needed on the stage at Productized this October.

As a teaser, I had a wonderful conversation with Margarida where we discussed:

🧭 Finding and using your values: How to guide your decisions, empathize with others, and become a better (product) person.

🔑 Scaling decision-making: Practical strategies to avoid analysis paralysis and sub-optimization.

📚 Book recommendations: And no, it’s not another framework book!

You can listen to the whole conversation at the link below


Customer-Focused vs. Disruption-Driven: Identifying Your Innovation Drivers


Refocus Your Prioritization Matrix Towards Time to ROI