HOW TO: make continuous discovery part of your development processes

Ditch the double track discovery/delivery! 

If you truly want to make the best of discovery, it’s important that you do not treat it as an isolated effort but instead make it an integral part of your product development. 

Below you can find my talk at Agila Örebro, I shared insights from our 3.5-year-long journey and concrete tips on:

🔎 Effective discovery: which tools to use for each development phase

🧭 Integrating Discovery: how to incorporate discovery into your planning and OKRs.

☕️ Strategies to make discovery a continuous habit, such as how to eliminate discovery bias and make discovery a team sport.

The talk in in Swedish, but here you can find the slides in english

If you are interested in knowing more, do not be a stranger—contact me!

I offer talks and workshops for you and your team to start making continuous discovery an habit.


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